Thursday, April 7, 2011

Green smoothies

Since moving to Austin I have met some amazing people. One of those people is my friend Clara, she is the type of person who makes you feel instantly better being in her company, she radiates so much positivity and good energy. I would happily move in with her except she has her own family to look after and I am kind of a bit big and old! Clara eats only raw food and has done for 4 years now ,she looks amazing, and is in the best shape ever. She is also my spin instructor and is over 50 ( and does not look it ) She is BEAUTIFUL inside and out.Well Clara got me hooked on the whole green smoothie trend .

So green smoothies are fruits and vegetables blended together. The cool thing about this is the taste of the fruit usually over powers the taste of the veggies. My kids hate anything green, be it salad,Kale,broccoli but with green smoothies I can get them to eat RAW veggies and they love it because they think they are getting a big delicious fruit smoothie and they do not see any yucky green leaves. So Momma can relax knowing they have some goodness in their bodies.

Here is one of their favourites   2 bananas,1 orange ,large cup of frozen blueberries and 3 leaves of Kale. You can add some water to make it more liquid and a squirt of agave or honey ( we prefer agave ) to sweeten. Usually the fruit makes it sweet enough. I have a powerful vitamix blender which would blend wood chips ,seriously it is the Daddy of all blenders but you can use a regular blender if you like

I like to put the smoothies in jam jars and I add a cocktail umbrella because the kids always ask for them! I have several different recipes but you can really blend and experiment with what you like.Delicious ,Thank you Clara I am greatly indebted.

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